Calculating Moving Averages in R: Techniques for 1D and Examples


Learn how to effectively calculate moving averages using R, a powerful programming language for data analysis. Moving averages are frequently used to smooth out data, spot trends, and uncover underlying patterns in many different industries. This in-depth article will examine several methods and offer helpful illustrations to help you comprehend and utilize moving averages in your data analysis workflows.

This tutorial will easily lead you through the procedures of calculating moving averages, regardless of your level of R experience. We will cover the essential concepts behind moving averages, discuss different window sizes and types, and explore the impact of choosing the right parameters. With hands-on examples and clear explanations, you'll gain the skills needed to confidently incorporate moving averages into your data analysis projects.

Lets Practice ... !

Here's an example of calculating moving averages for a larger dataset with a size of 100:

# Example data with size 100 
data <- runif(100) 
# Moving average window size 
window_size <- 5 
# Calculate moving averages 
moving_avg <- filter(data, rep(1/window_size, window_size), sides = 2) 
# Plotting 
clean_data <- data[is.finite(data)] 
clean_avg <- moving_avg[is.finite(moving_avg)] 
plot(clean_data, type = "b", col = "blue", pch = 16, ylim = c(min(clean_data, clean_avg), max(clean_data, clean_avg))) 
lines(clean_avg, col = "red", lwd = 2) 
legend("topleft", legend = c("Original Data", "Moving Average"), col = c("blue", "red"), lty = c(1, 1), lwd = c(1, 2), pch = c(16, NA))

by running this code, you will get this:

Note: if you want to see the value, just type the variable names then enter. In our case, the original data variable names is clean data and the moving average variable names is clean_avg.

In this example, the data vector is generated using the runif() function to create a random sequence of 100 values between 0 and 1. You can replace this with your actual data of size 100.

The window_size is set to 5, representing the number of values to include in each moving average calculation.

The rest of the code for calculating moving averages, cleaning the data, and plotting remains the same as in the previous examples.

By running this code, you will obtain a plot showing the original data (blue points) and the corresponding moving average (red line) for a dataset of size 100.

Feel free to modify the window_size or replace the example data vector with your own dataset to experiment with different configurations.

If you have any further questions, please let me know by typing it in the comment below!

Good Day !

-asb, founder of myresearchxpress


Hi, i"m asep sandra, a researcher at BRIN Indonesia. I want to share all about data analysis and tools with you. Hopefully this blog will fulfill your needs.

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