Are you eager to create captivating maps and geographical visualizations in MATLAB? Look nowhere else! With the m_map toolbox, you can access a treasure trove of mapping possibilities and bring your geospatial data to life. To begin this thrilling adventure, though, you must understand how to set up and incorporate m_map into your MATLAB workflow.
We'll walk you through installing m_map and utilizing all of its capabilities step-by-step in this extensive manual. Whether you're a seasoned researcher, scientist, or data enthusiast, learning m_map will enable you to create stunning maps and analyze geographic data precisely. Come along as we explore the world of m_map and learn about the countless opportunities it provides for mapping and data visualization projects.
The Installation Guide
Step Number 1:
Get the m_map package file from: M_Map: A Mapping package for Matlab ( or here then extract it. copy the extracted folder named: m_map to your toolbox folder in your matlab installation directories. for example, in my computer i put this m_map in:
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017a\toolbox
Step Number 2:
Get the ETOPO 2 or 1-minute global bathymetry/topography from it website or
download and unzip it in desired directories, for example place it in
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017a\toolbox\m_map\data\, and then edit 4 lines in m_etopo2
to set the PATHNAME based on this desired directory.
Step Number 3:
Get the GSHHS(G) high-resolution coastline database from
or you can directly find the file here and do the same thing just like what you've done to ETOPO data above
Step Number 4:
set the path in MATLAB environment to access m_map by following this step 1 to 5
Done !
Now check by typing this code in your Matlab command windows:
help m_map
you should get this result:
m_map - mapping toolbox (Author:
Version 1.4n Sep-2021
You have collected your data, loaded it into Matlab, analyzed
everything to death, and now you want to make a simple map showing
how it relates to the world.
But you can't.
Instead you have to figure out how to save all your data, and
then read it into a mapping program, and then spend all that extra
time figuring out why the mapping program doesn't give you what
you expected it would...
No more!
Announcing M_Map v1.4!
M_Map is a set of mapping tools written for Matlab v5. These include:
1. Routines to project data in 18 different spherical
projections (and determine inverse mappings)
2. A grid generation routine to make nice axes with
limits either in long/lat terms or in planar
X/Y terms.
3. A coastline database (with 1/4 degree resolution)
4. A global elevation database (1 degree resolution)
5. Hooks into freely available high-resolution coastlines and
M_Map v1.4 is available via the web at
.... Bla ... bla... on
This tell you that your m_map is successfully installed inside your Matlab.
Now, just try it and enjoy.
Now, try this simple plot:
m_proj('miller','lon',[105 115],'lat',[-15 -7]);
[el, lg, lt] = m_etopo2([105 115 -15 -7]);
hold on;
m_contour(lg, lt, el, [0 -40 -200 -500 -1000 -3000],'color', 'black','linewi',1.5);
and tell me what you've got
If this installation guide is too brief and still makes you confused or something, please check out the other article about it here.