Unveiling Insights with Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Introduction to Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a powerful technique in the realm of data analysis and machine learning. It offers a way to reduce the complexity of high-dimensional data while retaining its essential information.

Understanding the Basics of PCA

At its core, PCA aims to transform the original features of a dataset into a new set of orthogonal features, known as principal components. These components capture the maximum variance present in the data.

The Significance of Dimensionality Reduction

In a world abundant with data, dimensionality reduction becomes crucial. PCA allows us to simplify data representation while preserving trends and patterns.

Performing PCA Step by Step

Data Preprocessing

Prepare the data by standardizing or normalizing it to ensure that all features contribute equally to the analysis.

Computing Covariance Matrix

Calculate the covariance matrix to understand the relationships between different features.

Calculating Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the covariance matrix provide insights into the principal components.

Selecting Principal Components

Choose the principal components based on eigenvalues, retaining those that explain the most variance.

Projecting Data onto New Space

Project the original data onto the selected principal components' space, creating a reduced-dimension representation.

Interpreting the Results: Extracting Insights

The reduced-dimensional representation obtained through PCA can unveil hidden patterns and relationships within the data, simplifying further analysis.

Applications of PCA in Various Fields

PCA finds applications across diverse fields such as image compression, genetics, finance, and more, where dimensionality reduction is beneficial.

Advantages and Limitations of PCA

Explore the strengths of PCA, like noise reduction, and its limitations, such as sensitivity to outliers.

An Example:

To illustrate PCA, we'll use random matrices for a simple example.

Step 1: Load MATLAB and Generate Random Matrices:
Load MATLAB and generate two random matrices, each representing a different set of variables.

% Generate random matrices
matrix1 = randn(100, 3); % 100 samples, 3 variables
matrix2 = randn(100, 3); % 100 samples, 3 variables

Step 2: Data Preprocessing:
Normalize the matrices by subtracting the mean to ensure optimal variance capture during PCA.

% Normalize matrices by subtracting mean
matrix1_mean = mean(matrix1);
normalized_matrix1 = matrix1 - matrix1_mean;

matrix2_mean = mean(matrix2);
normalized_matrix2 = matrix2 - matrix2_mean;

Step 3: Covariance Matrix and Eigenvector Decomposition:
Calculate the covariance matrices and perform eigenvector decomposition for both normalized matrices.

% Compute covariance matrices
cov_matrix1 = cov(normalized_matrix1);
cov_matrix2 = cov(normalized_matrix2);

% Eigenvector decomposition
[eig_vec1, eig_val1] = eig(cov_matrix1);
[eig_val1_sorted, indices1] = sort(diag(eig_val1), 'descend');
eig_vec1_sorted = eig_vec1(:, indices1);

[eig_vec2, eig_val2] = eig(cov_matrix2);
[eig_val2_sorted, indices2] = sort(diag(eig_val2), 'descend');
eig_vec2_sorted = eig_vec2(:, indices2);

Step 4: Select Principal Components:
Choose the number of principal components you want to retain.

k = 2; % Specify the desired number of principal components
selected_eigenvectors1 = eig_vec1_sorted(:, 1:k);
selected_eigenvectors2 = eig_vec2_sorted(:, 1:k);

Step 5: Transform Data and Visualization:
Transform the original data using the selected eigenvectors to obtain reduced-dimensional feature matrices. Visualize the results.

reduced_matrix1 = normalized_matrix1 * selected_eigenvectors1;
reduced_matrix2 = normalized_matrix2 * selected_eigenvectors2;

% Original Data Visualization

% For Matrix 1
subplot(1, 2, 1);
scatter3(matrix1(:, 1), matrix1(:, 2), matrix1(:, 3), 'Marker', 'o', 'DisplayName', 'Original Matrix 1');
hold on;

% For Matrix 2
scatter3(matrix2(:, 1), matrix2(:, 2), matrix2(:, 3), 'Marker', 'x', 'DisplayName', 'Original Matrix 2');
hold off;

title('Original Data Visualization');
xlabel('Variable 1');
ylabel('Variable 2');
zlabel('Variable 3');

% PCA-Reduced Data Visualization
subplot(1, 2, 2);
scatter(reduced_matrix1(:, 1), reduced_matrix1(:, 2), 'Marker', 'o', 'DisplayName', 'PCA Reduced Matrix 1');
hold on;
scatter(reduced_matrix2(:, 1), reduced_matrix2(:, 2), 'Marker', 'x', 'DisplayName', 'PCA Reduced Matrix 2');
hold off;

title('PCA-Reduced Data Visualization');
xlabel('Principal Component 1');
ylabel('Principal Component 2');

title('Original vs. PCA-Reduced Data Comparison');

In this code, two subplots are created side by side. The left subplot shows the original data using circles ('o') for Matrix 1 and crosses ('x') for Matrix 2. The right subplot displays the PCA-reduced data using circles ('o') for Reduced Matrix 1 and crosses ('x') for Reduced Matrix 2. Labels and legends are added for clarity.

You can watch the step-by-step videos for this example here:

Another Example:

Here's another example MATLAB code snippet that demonstrates how to perform PCA on a sample dataset:

% Example data 
data = randn(100, 4); % Randomly generated 100 samples with 4 variables 
% Perform PCA
coeff = pca(data);
% Plot the PCA results
scatter(data(:, 1), data(:, 2), 'b'); 
% Scatter plot of the original data 
hold on; 
quiver(0, 0, coeff(1,1), coeff(2,1), 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
% First principal component 
quiver(0, 0, coeff(1,2), coeff(2,2), 'g', 'LineWidth', 2); 
% Second principal component 
hold off; 
xlabel('Variable 1'); ylabel('Variable 2'); title('PCA Plot'); 
% Variance explained by principal components 
explained_var = cumsum(var(data) / sum(var(data))); 
% Print the variance explained by each principal component 
disp('Variance Explained:'); disp(explained_var);

By running this code, you will get this things in your command windows:

% Variance explained by principal components
explained_var = cumsum(var(data) / sum(var(data)));

% Print the variance explained by each principal component
disp('Variance Explained:');
Variance Explained:
0.3156 0.5515 0.7928 1.0000

Also, you'll get the plot like this:

In this code, we start with a sample dataset (data) consisting of 100 samples and 4 variables. The pca() function is used to perform PCA on the data, which returns the principal component coefficients (coeff).

Next, we create a scatter plot to visualize the original data points. Then, we overlay the principal components as vectors on the plot using the quiver() function. The first principal component is represented by a red vector, and the second principal component is represented by a green vector.

The explained_var variable calculates the variance explained by each principal component, and cumsum() is used to compute the cumulative explained variance. Finally, we display the variance explained by each principal component using disp().

Interpreting the PCA plot:

The scatter plot shows the distribution of the original data points in variable 1 and variable 2. Each point represents a sample.

The red vector represents the first principal component, which indicates the direction of maximum variability in the data. It provides insight into the dominant pattern or trend in the dataset.

The green vector represents the second principal component, capturing the second most significant source of variability orthogonal to the first principal component.

By examining the principal components and their corresponding explained variances, you can gain insights into the relative importance of each component and understand the structure and patterns within your data.


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Hi, i"m asep sandra, a researcher at BRIN Indonesia. I want to share all about data analysis and tools with you. Hopefully this blog will fulfill your needs.

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